Kaeser Controller
Kaeser control systems ensure efficient interaction of all components of your compressed air system. Here you can get the greatest energy savings.
- KAESER® Official Representative
- Service 24/7

Adaptarea performanței compresorului la consumului de aer comprimat consumat este mai eficientă cu controlerul intern SIGMA CONTROL 2 (dotat cu inteligență descentralizată, furnizor de date pentru inteligența centralizată SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0).
- Controlează și eficientizează raportul dintre producerea și consumul aerului comprimat;
- Preprogramat cu setări de economisire a energiei și diverse sisteme de comandă;
- Managementul eficienței instalației de aer comprimat;
The SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0 compressed air production management system ensures the control and management of all system components, to save as much energy as possible, thus being oriented towards maximum cost reduction.
- Optimization of system pressure and automatic flow adaptation based on variable consumption;
- System performance is continuously adjusted to ensure optimal energy consumption;
- Maintenance with the help of Kaeser specialists prevents the failure of compressed air systems;
Authorized service 24/7 throughout Rep. Moldova
Maintenance and repair work is carried out exclusively by qualified specialists. We only use original Kaeser parts.
All engineers and technicians are trained in Kaeser's factories in Germany to ensure professionalism and competence at the highest level.