Portable compressors up to 23,3 m³/min (825 cfm)
Portable construction compressors up to 23,3 m³/min (825 cfm) in the 10-20 cubic meter class can easily handle ambient temperatures of up to +50 °C and can also be equipped for conditions below -10 ° C.
Equipped with advanced engine control systems and installations, they are extremely efficient and provide energy savings which benefits the environment.
Key features:
- Maximum pressures up to 14 bar;
- Optional compressed air treatment;
- Optional GPS fleet management.
Our approach guarantees high long-term yields: durable components, easy operation, efficiency and performance: all these characterize with great fidelity the machines delivered by Kaeser.
Maximum availability and efficiency
The SIGMA CONTROL MOBIL or SIGMA CONTROL SMART controller ensures the availability of compressed air and fuel efficiency using state-of-the-art electronic engine management.
Safe solution for the future
Low Emission Zone MOBILAIR - For compressed air users that means minimal pollutant emissions in accordance with the stringent European Stage IV emissions standard (M125 and M171 models).
Three-button intuitive operation
Kaeser places a strong emphasis on providing easy-to-use control systems. With this, our customers can avoid long periods of adaptation and learning of new systems.